Seance Experiments
Kalila Smith & Sid Patrick
220 pages
Trade Paperback
For Mature Readers

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Explore the Spirit World
Renown psychic mediums, Kalila Smith and Sid Patrick, share their explorations and experiments into the spiritual world. The accounts written herein are actual experiences as they are recalled by those who experienced them. Their spiritual journey began with deep personal losses and a need to know what happens to our loved ones when they depart from us and what mysteries do we have waiting for ourselves. They decided to pursue the answers as a series of experiments designed to help them separate the facts and real experiences from the hype. In other words, they did what felt natural to them.

The spirits who assisted with these experiments played an important role in bringing people together. Certain people crossed each other's paths at specific times. Groups were brought together for specific messages. Without a doubt, there was a plan somewhere in place, although it was unknown to them at the time. They found themselves drawn towards certain circumstances and situations. In the end, they realized that during the entire time of their research and experiments, there were no accidents or coincidences. Let Kalila and Sid get you started on your own seance experiments.

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